Wednesday, April 26, 2017

TTL Exclusive - "Garden" (somewhat longer than I normally do)

Scrapkit by JST Exclusive to TTL - HERE
Template - Marilyn T2 - HERE
Tube - by Danny Lee with S&Co HERE
Effects - VanDerLee - snowflakes
Open template, delete copyright, very bottom shape (star), arrows, and word art layers
Unhide white background layer
I always work from bottom up
Paste p8 and apply mask of choice
Brn shape - p1
Brn shape p3
Merge thesse 2 together for animation layer
Tan shape - p6
Ele29 - resize 55% and put one on each circle
Ele45 - resize 70%
Ele35 - resize 45%
Ele32  - resize 20%
Ele13 - canvas size 700x700....lets put some flowers in these pots and work on this as the canvas for now
feel free to add your flowers how you are my sizes and flowers I used:
Ele30 - laid on edge
Ele16 - 50% - put in corner
Resize the elemnt by 60% and place other corner/image/mirror
Ele28 - 60% - lay at bottom
Ele28 - place on ele16 and position to your liking - erase the stems
Ele27 - erase stems and put on top - image/flip/image/free rotate 30 to the right
Ele42 - 40% place left top - move under ele27
Ele9 -60% and place right of pot
Merge visible - resize 40% and paste onto original canvas
Bring ducks and frog above this ele
Now for the tube - you can do as you want, I did her in all 3 play with what you like best... I grey scaled for the blue circles and then added Xero-porcelain...layers-luminanceL
With my close up....I image/free rotate right 30
Crop your image now, the tricky part:
x out the top 8 layers and from the bottom up - 5 layers - merge visible...reopen all your layers
Add proper copyright and name
~~~~~animation part~~~~~~~
open AS
On your ani layer go to
Effects/vanderlee/snowflakes with these settings:
Then select none
copy merged
paste in AS as a new image
back in PSP, hit undo 2 x
VDL/snowflakes with random seed at 860
in AS, paste after current frame
hit undo 2 x
VDL/snowflakes with random seed at 840
copy merged
in AS, paste after current frame
Check your image and save

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